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30 years of heartbreak from a single storm

While crop insurance has changed a lot since the 1980s, prices haven’t. Net farm income is lower now than it was 5 years ago while input costs in fuel and labor are all up.

Crop insurance must be protected in upcoming Farm Bill

A handful of farm policy critics in D.C, who have never stepped foot on a farm, are quick to call for cuts to crop insurance despite the fact it is more efficient and cost-effective than the alternative.

Crop insurance protects farming for future generations

For beginning farmers, having this protection is especially important. Many young farmers rely on banks for operating loans. And banks won’t make these loans without assurance that farmers would have a way to pay it back if Mother Nature strikes.

Crop insurance critical for farmers and consumers

I hope Congress remembers in the next farm bill that crop insurance is not only necessary for rural America, but that ultimately it protects the consumer. Without it, we would not be able to provide a safe, reliable and affordable food supply for America and the rest of the world.

Crop insurance more important than ever to Missouri farmers

Farm policy critics would do well to remember that every American consumer relies on agriculture. We all want healthy, fresh food for our families. We also want affordable food. In today’s difficult farm economy, crop insurance provides an important measure of stability.

Keep crop insurance affordable in Southern Maryland

As Congress starts debate over the next Farm Bill, which sets out rules for crop insurance, I would like policymakers to remember this program is the only thing standing between bankruptcy and the ability to plant again for many Maryland growers. And they should appreciate that crop insurance is not a handout.

Insurance vital for farmers

Premiums are more affordable for farmers through a government discount. Insurance products have expanded to include more crops across the country. Both of these factors have increased participation and broadened the risk pool, which makes the program more actuarially sound.

U.S. farmers rely on crop insurance

Our policymakers often agree that coverage for natural disasters like wind, hail and drought are critical and appropriate. But the debate often focuses on whether revenue coverage is really needed. I can assure you this product has become a critical tool that is equally as important as the amazing technological advancements that have made our farms the most efficient and productive in the world.

Keep crop insurance affordable and widely available

Right now, Washington think tanks are launching an inexplicable attack on crop insurance in an effort to dismantle the program by trying to portray it as a giveaway to farmers and as a tool that only benefits large, established farmers.

Crop insurance protects New York’s farm economy

Sometimes folks are quick to criticize crop insurance because they don’t realize that, like agriculture, the program touches every state in the nation. It has proven itself to be our most effective risk-management tool.